Okay, so I am diverting from the current path I had in mind. Just for one post, the reason for this is when I went to my local supermarket to buy a 5l bottle of drinking water I thought I would check the ingredients, or properties if you will. The reason I did this is because I know the English government has taken it upon themselves to add fluoride to our drinking water because " It is necessary to prevent tooth decay among children who do not brush their teeth regularly."
This is also a little gem "we are giving children from poorer backgrounds a dental health boost that can last a lifetime".
How sweet, that they decided that some poorer children need fluoride of all things, put into ALL of our water so it can benefit their teeth. How about lowering the prices of fresh fruit and vegetables for poorer people so they aren't buying food from Iceland (the grocery store, for those not from England) which if you do your research will benefit a lot more than fluoride, which has been proven to have no value in fighting plaque or possessing any dental benefits.
Though it also has been proven to cause various diseases and also The 1984 issue of Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products lists fluoride as more poisonous than lead and just slightly less poisonous than arsenic. It has been used as a pesticide for mice, rats and other small pests.
Anyway, the bottle of water I checked, which I had usually bought thinking it was purified water actually has added fluoride in it. This water is from the Co-Operative food stores, so just watch what you drink.
Here are some good articles to keep you busy but not keep you subdued, unlike some things you consume..:)
British online version of the Times, explaining WHY there is fluoride in our water:
British online version of the The Guardian, explaining how fluoride water causes cancer:
Now those are both articles that are "truthful" as some people may not believe something if it's not in the news. Well here is an article from a man that was a dentist for many years, as well as the chairman of a national "Fluoridation Promotion Committee" of New Zealand, revealing the truth of Fluoridation of water.
And another article, slightly more anti-fluoride than the prior articles.
On the whole, I feel their reasons they put fluoride in our drinking water can't be for these ridiculous reasons I have mentioned above, and that there must be something more to it. Maybe claims that fluoride subdue people's aggression and mental alertness etc. are true, and a good way to keep people calm, uninterested in what's happening around them and watching t.v is by making them think you are helping them, and effectively your slaves are happy to take their medicine.
Something to think about.
Monday, 23 August 2010
Sunday, 22 August 2010
Lauryn Hill
Just a quick post to show the video of Lauryn Hill I mentioned in my earlier pop post. Listen to her lyrics carefully, I think they are rather telling.
The Illuminati in movies! A must see video!
This video has so many great references to the Illuminati symbolism, if you watch it I highly doubt you will be able to deny that there is something strange going on. The 9-11 references to me are probably some of the most revealing, again I'm sure it could be chance but I do find it very unlikely. By putting something in films you almost automatically take it out of the realm of reality and into fantasy. Why would anyone believe it's real? It's just something from the movies.
Our popular culture.
Here are a collection of images I think relay the messages I mentioned. Why are there these constant three or four gestures these people do, and such a varied group of people that have no connection in the musical or social worlds.
Either way the reason I feel the need to post these images is to show you that symbolism has a lot more of an effect on our subconscious minds than we give credit. Why do you think subliminal messaging was banned from advertising or any t.v.? These images and the meanings and messages they convey stick in our subconscious minds long after they are exposed to us. Check them out and see if you find it to be a coincidence, or just because these specific symbols are 'trendy and look cool' and have been for the last 30 years. I personally thought there MUST be something more to this when I first noticed it.
So, the signs here if you haven't noticed, are the one eye or exaggeration of one eye, the pyramid, (or pyramid with the all-seeing eye at the top.) The a-ok hand sign, and the rock horns hand sign. The other picture of Lady Gaga is a reference, as you can see to Baphomet, which has various meanings but mostly paganism as a deity, or a demon god in satanic history that was embraced by Aleister Crowley - a man you should do some reading on.
Now I'm not going to tell you why or how these symbols have dark significations in this post, it's just to show you that this is pretty real, and there is a reason for . I will go into the meaning of some of the symbols in my next posts. However the history of these signs goes very deep and there are endless amounts of documents you can find yourself on each of them.
Either way the reason I feel the need to post these images is to show you that symbolism has a lot more of an effect on our subconscious minds than we give credit. Why do you think subliminal messaging was banned from advertising or any t.v.? These images and the meanings and messages they convey stick in our subconscious minds long after they are exposed to us. Check them out and see if you find it to be a coincidence, or just because these specific symbols are 'trendy and look cool' and have been for the last 30 years. I personally thought there MUST be something more to this when I first noticed it.
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How is this a natural pose for a little kid? |
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The door at the bottom right of this cover has the one eye at the top, along with loads more strange symbolism. |
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Pyramid AND the eye, all in one! Fancy that! |
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Bono? I never trusted him anyway. Ponce. |
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David Byrne from Talking Heads. :( |
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Lady Sovereign |
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All have one eye visible, and all in a pyramid. |
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And she used to be so sweet. |
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VV Brown. |
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Tila Tequila, who also has very interesting theories. :) |
MJ in front of the eye, saying the line "Will me, thrill me, you could never kill me". Interesting. |
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Rihanna pyramid Harpie. |
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All seeing eye and A-OK symbolism. |
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John died for trying to inform humanity of what was going on, much like MJ. |
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Chris Brown, of Rihannas 'Handler', and piece of shit. Funny how the world has forgotten what he has done | . |
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I find this weird, sure it may be artistic but I am an artist and designer and I would never think of using this symbolism if I was branding a popstar. |
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Beyoncé as 'Sasha Fierce', her alter. |
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Evil Madonna, evil Madonna! |
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Poor little guy. |
Now I'm not going to tell you why or how these symbols have dark significations in this post, it's just to show you that this is pretty real, and there is a reason for . I will go into the meaning of some of the symbols in my next posts. However the history of these signs goes very deep and there are endless amounts of documents you can find yourself on each of them.
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Welcome to your destiny!
Welcome friend, to my humble space on this wonderful internet. As you may have read on my about section, this blog has been created to help wake you up, and hopefully to give you a renewed hope in life and humanity. The primary focus of this site is a rather, well, controversial and difficult to believe subject, the subject in question goes by many names: The Shadow Government, The Freemasons, The New World Order, The Global Elite, The Illuminati etc. but they are all one in the same. This is about the people that run our world.
Now before you run off, thinking this is just another conspiracy site just give me a chance. Think about the world we live in, think about everything that has happened over the last 100 years. Think about all the amazing musicians and other famous people that have died mysteriously, think about the wars, genocide in Africa, pollution, energy consumption, corruption, the list goes on but I think you get the point. I think most humans are intelligent enough to know that something is terribly wrong with the way things are run and have been for a while and hopefully we can all agree someone is benefiting from these atrocities, and it's not you or me.
Okay, so before I get too far I would like to explain I have never been a 'conspiracy theorist' or even really vaguely interested in them, and other than a general understanding I've had that most of them were probably true, I just didn't really care because I figured there was nothing I could do, so why worry yourself right? I guess that would be right except for two basic things I discovered that changed my mind.
1 - Most of these theories from the last century ARE probably true, but there is one very real group of people behind them all.
2 - Everything they have done has been for a diabolical reason and we are coming to the realisation of their plan, this end that apparently justified their means is coming to a head in the very near future.
The main reason I took notice of all of this and actually did change my mind was the fact that in my job I deal with pop videos, lots of pop videos. Over the past few years the mainstream artists have become increasingly darker and weirder and packed with strange symbolism. Anyway, I will do my next post on the symbolism used in our pop culture.
So basically I just want to give you the key, so you can start researching for yourself. Open the door, go down the rabbit hole, whatever, just be open to the idea that possibly we don't know everything that some people know, and maybe there is more to life than the 9-5, t.v, sleeping and repeating. When you do, you will begin to Wake Up and this is a feeling like none I have experienced. The best way I could describe it is it feels like the re-programming of your brain, clearing out the cobwebs and seeing things clearly for the first time.
Now before you run off, thinking this is just another conspiracy site just give me a chance. Think about the world we live in, think about everything that has happened over the last 100 years. Think about all the amazing musicians and other famous people that have died mysteriously, think about the wars, genocide in Africa, pollution, energy consumption, corruption, the list goes on but I think you get the point. I think most humans are intelligent enough to know that something is terribly wrong with the way things are run and have been for a while and hopefully we can all agree someone is benefiting from these atrocities, and it's not you or me.
Okay, so before I get too far I would like to explain I have never been a 'conspiracy theorist' or even really vaguely interested in them, and other than a general understanding I've had that most of them were probably true, I just didn't really care because I figured there was nothing I could do, so why worry yourself right? I guess that would be right except for two basic things I discovered that changed my mind.
1 - Most of these theories from the last century ARE probably true, but there is one very real group of people behind them all.
2 - Everything they have done has been for a diabolical reason and we are coming to the realisation of their plan, this end that apparently justified their means is coming to a head in the very near future.
The main reason I took notice of all of this and actually did change my mind was the fact that in my job I deal with pop videos, lots of pop videos. Over the past few years the mainstream artists have become increasingly darker and weirder and packed with strange symbolism. Anyway, I will do my next post on the symbolism used in our pop culture.
So basically I just want to give you the key, so you can start researching for yourself. Open the door, go down the rabbit hole, whatever, just be open to the idea that possibly we don't know everything that some people know, and maybe there is more to life than the 9-5, t.v, sleeping and repeating. When you do, you will begin to Wake Up and this is a feeling like none I have experienced. The best way I could describe it is it feels like the re-programming of your brain, clearing out the cobwebs and seeing things clearly for the first time.
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